Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Iago Uses Dat Language!

Iago uses words to manipulate Othello by adding in very small things to provoke him. For instance, Iago does not directly come out and say "Your wife is cheating on you with Cassio." Instead, he adds in tiny words, and keeps mentioning Cassio whenever he wants Othello to feel angry. By doing this, he is much more subtle, and he keeps everyone still thinking that he is "Honest Iago." He uses the word "think" a lot, to imply that he believes something, but that it might not be true. He does this when he talks about Cassio's honesty. By using "I think" he plants a seed that will make Othello think that Cassio is not honest. Iago did a similar thing when he was talking about Cassio in Cyprus. He says that he does not want to talk ill about Cassio, then talks ill about him. Iago also talked about Venice at one point in the conversation, and since Venice is a city of mystery, it makes the conversation more mysterious. Iago also references Brabrantio many times, reminding Othello about how Desdemona may be deceiving him.

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