Thursday, May 8, 2014

Emilia is Evolving!

Well, judging by the fact that I'm writing this late, and the fact that I already know that Iago stabs Emilia because of her knowledge about the whole Othello-Desdemona-Cassio situation kind of makes this whole essay obsolete. However, I am going to pretend that I know nothing about the evolution of Emilia. Emilia is one of the most important characters in the book near the end, but at the beginning she seemed to be no different than a normal Elizabethan woman. Once Emilia finds Desdemona's handkerchief, she shows her true self, going along with the theme of Shakespearean characters not being who they are. Emilia is actually really smart and insightful. She is also brave in the face of danger, as she talked back to the men of her time period, something that should have never been done (all of the men carried swords you know). Emilia truly is a dark horse, because she goes from being one of the least important, side characters of the book, to the one who actually figures out Iago's plan and reveals him to everyone, betraying her own husband.